Privacy statement

Your Privacy

Van Wijk Consult values the privacy of its (former) clients and website visitors.

Privacy law

The purpose of this privacy statement is to inform you about how Van Wijk Consult handles privacy and the processing of personal data. This is required by the new law AVG (General Data Protection Regulation) as of May 25, 2018.


The website is secured. Confidential information is sent encrypted (converted to unreadable text). No data is stored on the website. The website does not use analysis programs such as Google Analytics.

Personal data

Van Wijk Consult records data for the purpose of helping clients. Without the consent of the client, the data will not be provided to third parties. The data is kept in a locked room or secure computer, no longer than necessary to perform the assignment.


Van Wijk Consult cooperates with Officium Administratiekantoor BV. This office calculates and remits VAT, and submits income tax returns. They handle the name and address information of clients confidentially.

Impact - ervaring van anderen


"Jolanda van Wijk is dedicated to mentoring peace makers around the world in restorative circles and other social technologies that are key in transforming our world from the ravages of division and violence to one of justice and peace."

Fred Arment - Founding Director of International Cities of Peace


"I find a smile in my face when Jolanda mentors me in peace. She provides me with insightful advice, encourages me to keep going in my journey of peace in enhancing peace in churches and communities. She motivates me to always succeed in resolving peace by giving me direction and clarity where by many who lost hope, hope is restored. Jolanda is always there for me as my mentor."

Opio Bendict - Contactperson for Peace via Dialogue Uganda


"Wat ik in Jolanda waardeer is dat ze rustig te werk gaat, oprecht investeert in het contact met de ander en goed in staat is aan te sluiten bij de hulpvraag. Het is aanstekelijk hoe ongedwongen en nieuwsgierig Jolanda te werk gaat. Ze geniet van het proces en de ontdekkingsreis van de ander. We zijn dankbaar voor haar inzet en betrokkenheid bij MOmenz."

Marieke Reversma - Adviseur Welzijn op Recept (WoR)Β 


"Jolanda is one of the most genuine people I have had the pleasure to meet, she is patient, attentive, and very observant in her style of mentoring, I recommend her to anyone who is in need of guidance from any walk of life, with any personal or business complaints. In this life when you come into contact with genuine people it’s like finding precious gold. Take the opportunity of a lifetime, connect with her, and you will be delighted, I certainly am."Β 

Ntr Ka - Health & Wellness Practitioner (Ankhet Pher - Horizon House Barbados) πŸ™πŸΎπŸ’šπŸ’ͺ🏾🌞


"Jolanda en ik kennen elkaar al lang en wat ik zeer waardeer is hoe respectvol en zonder vooroordeel ze je de juiste antwoorden kunt laten geven op je eigen vragen. Door de gesprekken helpt ze echt mee om juist meer duidelijkheid voor jezelf te krijgen. Ze is rustig en neemt de tijd om naar je te luisteren voordat ze met een mening komt. Juist de betrokkenheid en het feit dat ze openstaat voor andere meningen is van grote waarde."Β 

Rita Viel - Eigenaar Rita Viel International Sales & Marketing

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